Referring a Child
Referring a Child
If you have concerns about a child's speaking, understanding, moving or playing, seeing, hearing, getting along with other children, learning or self-help skills, Child Find provides developmental screening FREE OF CHARGE in the areas of communication, motor development, vision, hearing, and preschool readiness skills. Child Find also can assist with evaluation and service planning if needed.
Contact us:
By Phone: 386-329-3811
By Email: FDLRS Child Find (Please include contact information in your email.)
Complete and Fax a Referral:
Required Forms: Referral Form and Developmental History
Fax Number: 386-329-3684
Online Referral:
Online screening registration form
If your child is between the ages of birth and 35 months, you may want to contact your local Early Steps:
Baker, Bradford, St. Johns Counties: Northeastern Early Steps
Flagler & Putnam Counties: North Beaches Early Steps
Suwannee, Hamilton, Lafayette, Columbia, & Union Counties: North Central Early Steps
Madison: Big Bend Early Steps - Children's Home Society